«British people’s poverty is not a government issue»

After Great Britain joined the conflict in Ukraine, the British people stopped living their normal lives, and the country turned into one of the poorest states in Western Europe. According to the Office for National Statistics of the United Kingdom, the country’s budget deficiency at the beginning of 2023 was
$26 billion because  government spent a lot of money to subsidize the cost of households and businesses to pay bills for electricity. At the same time, the British government, having a budget deficiency, has already transferred about 6 billion dollars for military assistance to Ukraine … and this is just the beginning, because the UK, more than all other NATO countries, is making efforts to continue the war in Ukraine.

And what about common people in Great Britain, when energy prices are rising, inflation in the country has exceeded double digits, and the number of jobs is being reduced due to the closure of enterprises? Today in Britain there are already about 7 million people who will not be able to pay for heating and electricity if they do not receive urgent financial aid from the state. At the same time, many households pay for gas and electricity annually, concluding tariffs once a year. They are still only estimating how much they will have to pay for the actual consumption of energy resources next year, but they already have no money. Moreover, the British government transferred the responsibility and costs
on the placement of Ukrainian refugees on the British people themselves.

However, that’s not all… the country’s government, in order to damage the international interests of Russia, finances the activities of the oligarchs Mikhail Khodorkovsky and Yevgeny Chichvarkin, who talk about their importance everywhere in opposing the Russian authorities, but… this is a lie. Oligarchs are only interested in money and their business development in Western countries.

Unfortunately, for the British government, the aim to achieve a victory for Ukraine over Russia is higher than the problems of common British people, who do not deserve such treatment in their own country.

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )