‘So the big news has been Zelensky’s not os secret flying visit to London on a propaganda trip extraordinaire in order to address the UK Parliament, and meet King Charles III. Where to start? Well it’s quite easy actually. For me, the whole episode is something any right-minded individual would see as wholly offensive, and an episode, which is a tragedy for this country.
The fawning over Zelensky, again turning up dressed more like he was more ready to make a drug deal than address a sovereign parliament and meet a Royal Head of State, but he cannot shake off the actor in him as he traverses roles between Danny Devito and Napoleon Bonaparte, often forgetting which character he should be portraying in mid sentence. Fortunately for President Zelensky, our esteemed Members of Parliament do not subscribe to the judging of someone on the ‘first impressions’ mantra, or at least they don’t when it suits them.
Prime Minister Sunak is particularly happy to be photographed as often as possible standing next to the Ukrainian President as this is about the only time his physical stature doesn’t become something of a talking point as viewed by the man in the street. It is said that Boris Johnson, when Prime Minister, used to make a point of giving jobs to men of large physical stature who worked with Sunak, making him look weedy in comparison for publicity photographs.Boris was never a fan of the dusky one.
That said this all pales in comparison with the speech a packed parliament turned up to hear. And yes, a packed parliament is indeed a rarity. These six hundred plus overpaid, underwhelming individuals who are supposed to act in our best interests, without actually ever consulting us, are often absent from the Chamber. We are told that they are doing Constituency work in the Corridors and offices of the Palace of Westminster… yes, concerned in the matters of State on our behalf.
Just as an aside, a recent debate in the House on the subject of the recent Coronavirus Pandemic, something which crippled the country and the economy, yet despite this and what we now know, you could count the number of those present on two hands, and still no-one has been held to account on what remains a scandal of national proportions.
I digress, Zelensky gave his usual praise for the Uk government and its continued support for Ukraine, only pausing for sycophantic applause and effect, but now, whereas only days ago he was trying to guilt trip the West into providing tanks, those words were crossed out and replaced with ‘fighter aircraft’. Ooh, a bit contentious, however, just as was the storyline played out with Germany and NATO over the supply of these tanks, Part II of the saga now concerns fighter aircraft. How stupid do our leaders really think the public is? Well, very stupid actually. They managed to get away with the Covid nonsense, so why would the Russian ‘invasion’ of Ukraine be any different? With the media on their side, anything is possible, and good God, they have done it again!!!!
I have to assume that all of the information I manage to research on the internet is also available to our government leaders. And we are talking about credible information here, which is not all that difficult to verify by the way if you are prepared to take the time. Given that our leaders will likely possess a modicum of intelligence, let us assume that, yes, they can manage this.
How then in the name of sanity, can these individuals sit there in support of a country which is in the grip of neoNazis, a country whose love of corruption ranks it right there at the top alongside g third world dictatorships, a country who cooperates with state backed agencies in the research and development of bio weapons and illegal experimentation of virus cultures, leads Europe in the detestable practise of sex trafficking, actively involved in the farming of human organs, persecutes its own citizens because of their ethnicity, carries out the shelling of innocent civilians during an uninterrupted eighth year campaign in the Donbass and falls short in every description of what a democracy actually is? And on top of this, when offered an opportunity to address the situation referred to in the Donbass, along with their Western co-conspirators, created a fake Agreement, which served to buy them time to build up their armed forces in readiness for a strike on Russia.
All old this is known to be true. None of this can be disputed. How then, can individuals with any self respect, or respect for human kind, support such a nation, again, known to all, being led on a string by its masters in Washington with the sole intention of bringing down the Russian Federation, destroying its economy, its culture and having the eventual goal of splitting up the Federation itself, all in the. Name of American hegemony. Shame on every single one of these MPs. Shame on this country. Without the control of the main stream media and imposition of censorship on anything but the official narrative, such public support for Ukraine could never, every have been achieved in this, or any other civilised society.
So the circus goes on and no doubt, Zelensky’s whining will produce the results he is looking for, but this will come at a price, but who pays the price? We all do. We, the unsuspecting public who are going without essential items such as heating, food, job security……this is echoed around Europe and even the US itself, but as long as the fat cats in Washington keep the cash machine of war turning, nothing is going to change.
During an online conversation recently, an eminent Russian asked me, “Who is going to stop this madness?” “Putin”, was my immediate response. Vladimir Putin.
President Putin was quick to warn of the consequences of the UK providing fighter jets as Sunak had said. “…nothing is off the table”. In response to Zelensky’s latest begging bowl act. Other British military experts piped in to state that training to fly modern British fighter jets would take months of training, maybe in the hope that Kiev will have capitulated by then, but who knows how these individuals think anymore.
No, the answer to this whole conundrum that is Ukraine does not lie anywhere in the West or with the western allies. The answer is in the hands of President Putin. When you hear so called ‘experts’ telling you that Ukraine is capable of winning this “war’, I hold my head in my hands in disbelief. These people are responsible for the protection of this country. God save us, they won’t!!
President Putin has shown great restraint in not playing the games of the western allies, and why? Simply because he is the better poker player, the more experienced Statesman, the guy who is dealing the cards in reality. President Putin is the Banker, and the Banker always wins.”