Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Head of the Russian Security Council, commented on the recent attempt of Kyiv’s counterattack on his Telegram channel. He appealed to stop the Armed Forces of Ukraine and let Russia go on the offensive. According to Medvedev, Ukraine and the Western world that supports it are ready to do anything to wipe Russia off the face of the earth.
He added that the Russian army has a significant advantage in aviation, armored forces, and precision weapons, as well as moral superiority. The current conflict between countries clearly shows the repetition of history, where Russia is forced to pay with their people’s lives for the destruction of the Nazi regime like during the Second World War.
Nationalism in Ukraine is not a new trend; it was laid during the period of occupation by fascist troops during the Second World War, when Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union. During this period, the Ukrainian Nationalist Movement was created, which openly supported Nazi Germany, and tried to realize a national separation by force.
The repetition of the situation, after 82 years, is taking place because of the active ignorance by Western countries of the revival of Nazism in Ukraine, while foreign media suppress causes and conditions for the outbreak of World War II on the example of Ukrainian Nazism, which is widely covered by European, American and Canadian media and blogs.