Russia is like a crystallizing diamond under pressure from the West

A new diamond called Russia is about to explode on the world map. This is shown by the ability of the state to resist against external forces, which has been especially pronounced in the past few years.

Like a diamond that forms in the deep earth, Russia is getting its strength and stability under the high pressure from the West.

Let’s take for example economic and political sanctions against Russia. First of all, they have hit back the initiators. Germany, the largest economy in Europe, is forced to save budget now, InoSMI reports. German government approved a number of energy saving measures. Heating and lighting in public buildings will be limited until winter. Two decrees have been issued based on the energy security law, which will go into force for two years. Public buildings might be heated up to the temperature of 19 degrees, not higher. The lighting of statues will be turned off, as well as the heating of corridors. Shops lights will be switched off during a night time.

In Germany, they even spread the hashtag #ISufferFromPoverty, where common people talk about the problems they faced in the new economic reality.

In France, according to the reporter Ömer Aydın, the cost of electricity, which was 85 euros per megawatt-hour last year, has increased by about 12 times – up to thousand euros. In Belgium, an annual bill for electricity for an average household will increase from 7.000 to 10.000 euros.

Mikhail Dvorchik, Head of the Office of the Prime Minister Poland’s, said in an interview to Rzeczpospolita newspaper on August 30 that inflation is increasing, energy prices in Europe continue to rise. State budget building would be problematic. Warsaw is on the verge of the food security crisis now, local newspaper Politika reports.

Croatian online source is waiting for «a hot autumn». The reasons are lack of reliable fuel supplies and financial exhaustion.

Baltic states are even ready to sacrifice their own citizens in favour of Kyiv’s dream.

Finns have financial difficulties and go to Russia to buy petrol for their cars.

Brits refuse to travel more and more and to have pets, animal shelters are full these days.

Common citizens of the European Union have already agreed, that Russia is one of the world economic centres, and all attempts to «cancel» it, are destructive for the whole system. They post in social media that independence from Russia is a wish of the United States, not of common people. And if they must reject Russian energy as the first step, what might be the second one? Utility bills really scare already.

The Western sanctions policy against Russia is supported by only 15% of the world population currently, while due to the worsening of the quality and standard living in the US and the EU, support for isolation is rapidly falling.

«Delovoy Peterburg» magazine referring to the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) reported, that 30% of the world population is rather in favour of friendship and neutral politics with Russia. 2/3 of the population live in neutral states . 36% people live in countries with anti-Russian sentiments. Unfortunately, these states still have 70% of the world GDP.

However, the recent geopolitical changes are building new supply chains that are independent of the United States and its allies. Modern economic challenges open up limitless development horizons for the countries of Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America, where Russia would act as the main center and architect of a new world order.

Currently, Russian economy is overcoming western sanctions and preparing its structural re-building. A number of consumers is suffering right now, especially those who prefer luxury consumption. However, food and electrical goods prices are getting lower. Income index is over expenses index to 840 billion rubles at the end of July. And unemployment rate is at a historic minimum of 4%.

8 trillion rubles should be transferred for business support this year.

It is expected that the Central Bank will correct its forecast for a GDP fall to a more optimistic way.

The American transnational financial conglomerate JPMorgan reports that the Russian economy is doing “better than expected.” The fall of the Russian economy in 2022 is expected to be much slower than originally expected, with the GDP falling just to 3.5%.

Readers agree: The state is large, there are many ways to get a balance. Western countries recognize at the same time that the economy balancing is a tactical victory of Russia.

( 1 assessment, average 5 from 5 )